Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Ripped muscle hottie

Muscle building in a rush week 1

Who Else Wants My Muscle Building Workout Program?

"Muscle Building In A Rush" Week 1
1a: Standard Deadlift (4 reps)
1b: Shoulder DB Press (4 reps)
1c: Chin Up (4 reps)

Perform 4 reps for each set (1a, 1b, 1c)
without taking a break in between sets.
Repeat for a total of 8 rounds.

Grab your muscle building workout program now at

NOW is the time to arm yourself with the weapons you need to * Create unbelievable muscle mass! * Command more respect! * Make everyone's head turn when you enter a room! * No more wasting time, and energy on trial and error. * No more making mistakes in the gym. * And no more surfing the Internet for the "latest and greatest" routine.

Your Muscle Building Workout Program is waiting for you at

Team Andro - Posing at the FIBO 2010